Are You a Master of Procrastination?
Daily, Life Solution Center clients tell me of their struggles with procrastination. This is particularly true for entrepreneurs and those who work as independent agents within larger organizations. It’s also a huge issue for moms and dads on the home front, and teens struggling with getting those homework assignments completed. Essentially, putting off the inevitable is an ongoing challenge for all of us!
I just finished a wonderful book on this very subject, The War of Art, by Steven Pressfield. Pressfield identifies procrastination – or resistance – in its many guises. He also suggests some ways to defeat this stealthy and tenacious opponent; an invisible enemy who robs us of confidence, joy and success. The War of Art is a quick and invaluable read.
If you or a loved one struggles with procrastination here are some things to consider:
Set the stage for success. Figure out the time of day when you’re most productive. Plan to get the toughest tasks done then. Create an inviting space in which to tackle these tasks; one that’s cozy and clutter-free. Now add a comforting beverage and you’ll be ready to tackle the most daunting of projects.
If you need help getting organized, prioritized and scheduled, contact our fabulous professional organizer, Jen Burke, of JKB Organizing. She’ll create a shame-free approach to dealing with your organizational demons.
If you continue to have trouble with procrastination there may be other factors at play: Mood disorders such as anxiety and depression can cause procrastination. For this reason we have a range of wonderful psychotherapists and cutting-edge psychopharmacologists at The LSCD:
Maybe you’re struggling with undiagnosed Attention Deficit Disorder or another learning difference? Dr. Katie Liebenberg is expert at ferreting out these issues, while tutor Lily Tangen can help develop learning strategies to combat them.
Finally, the best kept secret is that procrastination and organizational issues can be caused by visual performance problems. The good news is that our very own Dr. Paul Bernstein focuses on diagnosing and treating these often-unidentified or misdiagnosed challenges.
So if you struggle with procrastination or creative resistance, come out of the closet and into The Life Solution Center of Darien’s judgment-free zone. Together we’ll put together a plan for getting on the road to efficiency, organization and life success!